Thank you everyone. The response to Too Many Cooks feels more surreal to me than the thing itself.
(EDIT: I've changed this link to the higher res Adult Swim youtube rather than the first one posted by Tortoise5210 - who I will always be indebted to. Also hat tip to redditor setyourgoals.)
For those of you that are curious, I am currently busy prepping/writing/directing the last episodes of Season 2 of Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell with my partner in crime Dave Willis. We are making 12 and I think they will air on Adult Swim in June. Please check out the first season here. Here's a still from unaired Season 2 (without effects) with Henry Zebrowski. And Jack MacBrayer as an angel.
I'd also like to thank Paul Painter (editor extraordinaire), Shawn Coleman and Michael Kohler (composers), Alex Orr, Adam Pinney, Vishal Roney, Mike Lazzo, Keith Crofford, Awesome Inc., Fake Wood Wallpaper, Dave Willis, Jim Fortier, Roger Black and Nick Gibbons. Aimee Holmberg who did the sets. The cast. Thank you to the person that posted this on Youtube. And so forth.
I also wrote a book of weird short stories called "More Stories about Spaceships and Cancer". Somebody just emailed me and said it was like George Saunders crossed with David Foster Wallace - far too kind and wildly inaccurate but I'll take it and enjoy the ride! You can buy it autographed here.
Also lastly my real name is Chris Kelly but since there's already a lot of Chris Kelly's on TV that write on shows like SNL and Girls I go by Casper. I think I got the idea of using Casper from the movie "Kids" which is a terrible thing to admit.